Thursday, August 9

Public Newsroom 73: Are Aldermen Keeping the City Segregated?

6:00 pm — 8:00 pm

Are Chicago aldermen using their aldermanic prerogative to keep neighborhoods segregated? That’s what a recent report co-authored by the Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance and the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law suggests. Patricia Fron, CAFHA Executive Director, and Kate Walz, Director of Housing Justice at the Shriver Center, will join us to break down the report: “A City Fragmented: How Race, Power, and Aldermanic Prerogative Shape Chicago’s Neighborhoods.” They will go over how affordable housing decisions are made in the city of Chicago and how these decisions often result in geographic imbalances in affordable housing development. Then they will dive into aldermanic prerogative, the central vehicle driving this imbalance: the mechanics, the history, the roots in racism, and the effects. Stop by to learn more, and to be part of a conversation on how to create more equitable decision-making in Chicago.

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